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NFTs are tokens that demonstrate the legitimacy and ownership rights of digital assets such as artwork, video game characters, music, and other types of media. The NFT marketplace is a platform where these so-called non-fungible tokens are traded (sold and acquired), bid on, or auctioned. NFT markets like OpenSea are growing in popularity because they are the greatest method to sell, buy, and profit from digital works. The OpenSea NFT marketplace made $1.1 billion last year, according to earth web, demonstrating the enormous economic impact of these marketplaces. This raises the question of how an NFT marketplace like OpenSea is able to generate millions of dollars.

Simple revenue streams make up the majority of OpenSea's income. Transaction fees, or the 2.5% that marketplaces take from each transaction that takes place on the platform, and minting fees, which marketplaces charge to mint NFTs on their platforms and include gas costs, are the two main revenue streams. By serving as middlemen between purchasers and NFT producers, these modules enable businesses to make billions of dollars.

You have two options for building your own platform similar to OpenSea: from scratch or using OpenSea clone scripts. The OpenSea clone script is preferred by most business owners since it makes it simple to build similar platforms. With its aid, you may create your own NFT marketplace that functions similarly to OpenSea.

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