Who Owns Bitcoin? - The Mystery is no Mystery
The question I ask is, "Who owns Bitcoin?" We may jump to the belief that the inventor (Satoshi Makamoto) and co-founder (Matti Malmi) own Bitcoin, but that is not correct. The answer is found in a lesson in a decentralized system compared to a centralized system.
Bitcoin is more of an idea than it is a hard asset. Cryptocurrencies exist as a "Construct" that is made tangible via the blockchain and the real world of man. Is it real? Yes. Can I touch it? Kind of, but not really. Will it change my life? definitely! This is going to change the way you think of finances and ownership.
When we think of a stock certificate, we know each stock certificate is issued by a corporation. This is a centralized asset and individual stockholders own a piece of the corporation. A minority owner has some voting rights and control. A majority stock ownership carries more votes and can govern the major decisions of the company. Technically, a corporation is an artificial person under the law and ownership is vested in the stockholders.
Banks are a centralized operation that allows investors to use their money transfer processes. Investors have no ownership but are customers.
Any DeFi (Decentralized Finance) cryptocurrency is something that stands apart from what people think of as a functioning, operating system.
A decentralized system has no owners. It exists as a program or code embedded on the blockchain that has been established with a limited number of coins, tokens, or assets that can be purchased from the system. Initially, the founders hold and offer the coins or tokens in a digital wallet ... not a bank or physical location.
When others buy the coins or tokens, the blockchain moves the appropriate number of coins or tokens out of the master account and places them in the buyer's digital wallet. No bank is required, there is no stock certificate, and the record of ownership is indelibly registered on the public blockchain.
A DeFi cryptocurrency is considered a more democratic system when the power of the system is the momentum of the people holding the coin or token. Frankly, at the inception, most cryptocurrencies are used to raise money, but cryptocurrencies seem to develop many unforeseen opportunities. All of these features can be disconcerting, but they are also explosive ideas that are capable of reinventing how we do business in the future. The paper dollar may eventually become a historical footnote.
TROPTIONS is a DeFi system as well. However, TROPTIONS have taken a slightly different path to acceptance. That path was to avoid the speculation of value, market hype, and mega-investor manipulation. This is the premier "Proof of Use" token that is emerging from its prove-up stage to emerge as a true digital currency.
No one owns TROPTIONS and there is no central office. Like any currency, the power of currency is by the generous spending of the currency. This goes back to a very important aspect of currency called, The Velocity of Money." Briefly explained, if I spend a dollar bill at the store, the economic impact is one dollar.
If the dollar passes through the community ten times, it has the economic impact of ten dollars. And, ten people are benefited instead of one. Therefore, the wealth of a nation or a business is not in how much money it holds but in the "Cash Flow" or flow of money in the community.