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Any startup or entrepreneur wishing to initiate a new business will go with crowdfunding. A traditional mode of crypto crowdfunding is known as an initial public offering. Here, the company will sell its shares and collect money through it from investors. It is a similar case in crypto crowdfunding.

In crypto crowdfunding, startups will raise funds with the help of crypto tokens. If the investor is interested in the project, they’ll fund it and get the crypto tokens in return from the startups. There are different types of crypto crowdfunding prevailing in the marketplace like ICO, IEO, STO, etc.

Among the above-mentioned methods, ICO is more popular. Generally, ICO development can be done in two methods like development from scratch or using the Whitelabel ICO software. Development from scratch is quite an elaborate process. So, going with a Whitelabel ICO software will be the optimal way.

In this article, we shall discuss Whitelabel ICO software, how to get them, etc. Now, let us begin this article with…

What is meant by Whitelabel ICO software?

Creating an ICO website with Whitelabel ICO software is considered an ideal method for ICO development. An ICO script is a pre-designed and well-fabricated script that has all the outstanding features that come along with it. It is a pre-designed, developed, tested, and ready-for-deployment tool for ICO development.

There are numerous advantages to choosing a Whitelabel ICO script for developing your ICO platform. It is a cost-effective, time-efficient, and easy-to-deploy tool. You can add or customize any of the features as per your interest. You can decide and fix your own logo, technology, design, functionalities, etc and incorporate them in your ICO website. There are numerous reasons behind choosing the Whitelabel ICO script for ICO development. They are,

  • Faster deployment
  • Cost-effective
  • High-end reliability
  • Great branding
  • No technical knowledge is needed
  • Scale your revenue
  • Eliminates risk

On considering these benefits of Whitelabel ICO software, many startups tend to choose it for their ICO development. There are marvelous features that come along with an ICO dashboard script. The features might vary for the admin dashboard and investor dashboard. They are as follows.

Features of ICO admin dashboard

  • Detailed reporting and analytics
  • Pending transactions handling
  • Investor management
  • Custom funding plan
  • Admin permission management
  • Concierge service
  • Custom smart contract
  • Detailed logging and monitoring
  • Bank transfer and management
  • Whitelisting
  • Timeline management
  • Investor contract management
  • Lock-in period management

Features of ICO investor dashboard

  • User-friendly interface
  • Real-time statistics
  • Multi-language support
  • Crypto token wallet
  • KYC/AML solutions
  • Investor review
  • Token purchase
  • Current exchange rates
  • One-touch information
  • Community management
  • Referral programs
  • Airdrop and bonus programs
  • Investor contract execution
  • Two-factor authentication

Get a >>  White Label ICO Software << Here

Not only these features, but you can also add or customize any features based on your own interest. On considering these features and advantages, you might be interested to launch your own ICO platform using Whitelabel ICO software. To get exemplary ICO software, you can approach a renowned ICO script provider in the crypto ecosystem for immense results!!!

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