TROPTIONS are Beneficial for a Holder to Use in Many Ways.

1. As an asset TROPTIONS have value, hold value, and can be used for savings of value.
2. TROPTIONS automatically gain in purchasing power as the holder has the option to trade for an increasing number of goods and services in the business, personal or investment categories.
3. TROPTIONS increase in value as the TROPTIONS holder increases in the knowledge of best practises of acquisition and utilization.
4. TROPTIONS grows in value with the level of demand in the TROPTIONS marketplace.
5. TROPTIONS allow for portability of immense wealth that is immutable (as much as is possible by man) due to the incorruptible distributed ledger on the Bitcoin Blockchain and encrypted for secrecy and security.
6. TROPTIONS provide divisibility and fractionalization. Each TROPTIONS can increase to an immense dollar value and still afford the ability of small purchases. Additionally TROPTIONS can be used to avert the old problem with barter, “How to divide a horse in half to pay for a pig.” A product or service valued in TROPTIONS can be exchange allowing the TROPTIONS holder to in turn spend whatever is appropriate to buy other products and services with no loss in value.
7. TROPTIONS are easy to acquire, relative to fiat currencies. TROPTIONS reside in a “blue ocean” of less contested abundance.
8. TROPTIONS are holder controlled providing “A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Asset Trading System” that requires no trusted third party record keeper and demands no gatekeeper.
9. TROPTIONS many times is the initial asset in a chain reaction of asset trades.
10. TROPTIONS found its niche as a financial instrument that helped dozens of small private companies raise capital and, in some cases, go public with millions of dollars in funding. Thousands of investors, some required to be accredited, used TROPTIONS to acquire millions of dollars in private and public stock. Troptions are valued by deals that it’s done and assets it’s purchased such as Gold Mines, Bonds, Real Estate, Cars,Boats assets.ect. Troptions is also valued like Bitcoin Supply & Demand. Arguably, this is the number one factor that determines the price of Bitcoin. This holds true for Troptions also, but Troptions holders have used Troptions to purchase real assets which Bitcoin is mostly used as a Speculative coin which does not. The more people that use or own something, the more it is worth. Bitcoin does not have a “real worth”. It is not backed by any sort of resource. Bitcoin and Troptions are considered valuable for the same reason gold is valuable; it is difficult to acquire, there is a limited quantity of it, and people are willing to pay a relatively high sum for it because the coins will generally increase in value versus going down in value.
11.Troptions can be used for: To Buy Goods and Services, Proof of Funds, Asset on Balance sheet,Leverage,Collateral,Currency,Escrow Accounts,Finance, Sponsorships, and much more!