Jessi, his job is on youtube just to show all projects are a scam,
in any investment or deposit or trade, there is a risk to lose, that's why we don't trade we trade with money management.
if u join with a minimum of 100 TRX and you lose it this will not be the end of the world,
I joined Tron Chain with 300 000 TRX and so far 150 000 back, my team who linked to me already got back their initial deposit back because I put referral under their links
So far we all happy and I hope we finish and reinvest again and not collapse
the money inside the pool in tron chain equal to $17 million and it increasing every day, and the good about the project is that its a smart contract and no human can touch it and close it, and the only way to close the project is when the balance goes to zero, so far the curve is up over the last 4 months
this is my view and as I said my team is protected by my as long as they stay with me in this