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Cryptocurrencies are playing a crucial role in this modern ecosystem. As a result, cryptocurrencies have turned tables across the financial world creating a lot of business gates for numerous business startups. One of the most preferred businesses is the Cryptocurrency exchange which has a high revenue-generating business model in the crypto space. Hence, starting a crypto exchange platform by using white-label crypto exchange software is the smartest and finest way. In comparison with other development ways (scratch, open source), white-label crypto exchange software is the feasible way to develop your crypto exchange business. Here I listed some of the top benefits of white label crypto exchange software.

Topmost benefits of white label crypto exchange software

  • Simple to launch(within a week)
  • Budget-friendly cost (Approx $8k-12k)
  • Tested multiple times
  • No need for technical expertise
  • Customized the software as per your business needs
  • No need for any monitoring
  • Enable security modules as per your requirements
  • Initiate all essential features

Well, these are some top benefits of white-label crypto exchange software. Along with benefits, the white label crypto exchange software has some peculiar features like,

Peculiar features of White label crypto exchange software

  • Margin trading
  • Liquidity API
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Referral program
  • Firebase and firewall integration
  • Pending transactions handling
  • Effectual admin panel
  • Top-notch user dashboard
  • Robust CMS

These are the essential features of white label crypto-exchange software, also you can easily add (or) remove the features depending upon your business requirements.

Now from the above statements, you can get a clear idea about white label crypto exchange software and It is a suitable way to develop the crypto exchange platform. If you have any further clarification regarding white label crypto exchange software check out the ultimate guide and develop your own crypto exchange platform in a hassle-free way.

Check here for more details >>> White label crypto exchange software

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