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NFT marketplace is a great business platform where one can buy, sell, auction, and bid on NFTs, these NFT marketplaces have been generating huge revenues for their unique business model in the crypto world. These platforms have user-friendly features and a securable platform for its user to trade their NFTs. These aspects are which has driven many entrepreneurs and startups to launch their NFT marketplace.

But how to start an NFT marketplace?

Many business people assume that starting an NFT marketplace requires a high investment, but it is only for the traditional software development method, not the white-label NFT marketplace method.

As mentioned, there are two methods to create an NFT marketplace

  1. Developing from Scratch
  2. Using a white-label NFT marketplace

Developing from scratch:

The scratch method is a high investment method to start an NFT marketplace and it takes a long time to develop the software for the NFT marketplace. From scratch, you have to develop the entire software from the beginning point by yourself or hire blockchain developers. It takes almost a year to complete the development of the NFT marketplace. You have to coordinate and manage the developer by yourself for the development tasks until you complete the NFT marketplace. After the completion of development, you have to hire testers for knowing the exact performance of your marketplace. Approximately it costs around $100k-$120k to create an NFT marketplace by this scratch method.

Using a white-label NFT marketplace:

Then comes the white-label NFT marketplace, It is a pre-made software integrated with the features of the NFT marketplace. This way you can create an NFT marketplace without any copyright infringement. This white-label NFT marketplace has high-quality security and scalability features. And mainly, these are completely customizable, you can change the appearance of the NFT marketplace according to your business requirements.

Now the cost of developing the NFT marketplace with a white-label solution is only $6k - $12k. It still costs less than the scratch method even with additional charges for customization.

Before starting your NFT marketplace using a white-label NFT marketplace, you need to know where to get the high-quality white-label NFT marketplace.

There are white-label NFT marketplace providers in the market, and segregating the best one from them is a difficult task. I did some analysis and found Fire Bee Techno Services among others. Fire Bee Techno Services have a high rating for their white-label NFT marketplace development and they have been yielding great results in their projects.

You can consult with their blockchain developers or get a FREE DEMO of their white  label NFT marketplace through WhatsApp, mail, or telegram.

Whatsapp/Telegram: +91  7397571188


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