In Binance Smart Chain (BSC), use the PancakeSwap clone script to build a DEX system that enables automated market making (AMM), a swap, and yield farming. PankcakeSwap Clone, a Defi exchange script developed on the Binance smart contract chain, works similarly to PancakeSwap. Binance Smart Chain's AMM, yield farming, trade, stakes, NFT, and liquidity pool are all integrated into our Pancake Swap Clone Script.
Osiz Technologies Inc. The PancakeSwap Clone Script, a ready-to-deploy solution, enables the formal creation of a Defi exchange comparable to PancakeSwap for exchanging crypto tokens. In addition to the client-preferred customizations, the solution is meant to be time and cost-effective, with flexible smart contract capabilities and other benefits.
Click Here To Know More Info: https://www.osiztechnologies.c...akeswap-clone-script