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Nigeria, often referred to as the giant of Africa, has now earned a new title — the world’s most crypto-aware nation. This recognition comes from a comprehensive global survey conducted by ConsenSys and YouGov, shedding light on how countries perceive cryptocurrency development services and the broader Web3 ecosystem. The survey’s results not only highlight Nigeria’s impressive cryptocurrency awareness but also reveal fascinating insights into its cryptocurrency landscape, making it an intriguing market for cryptocurrency exchange development company.

Cryptocurrency Awareness: Nigeria Takes the Lead

In terms of cryptocurrency awareness, Nigeria and South Africa emerge as frontrunners. An astonishing 99% of Nigerians and 98% of South Africans displayed a firm grasp of Web3 concepts. They surpassed respondents from more economically dominant nations like the UK, the US, Japan, and Germany.

Understanding the Blockchain Landscape

The survey encompassed 15,158 individuals aged 18 to 65 across 15 countries. It uncovered that 70% of Nigerian respondents understood the fundamental principles of blockchain technology. This high level of comprehension was a testament to Nigeria’s robust cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Cryptocurrency Ownership: Nigeria’s Remarkable Presence

Cryptocurrency ownership rates in Nigeria further exemplified the nation’s cryptocurrency prowess. In the most crypto-aware nation, an impressive 76% of the 1,001 Nigerian respondents indicated that they have either held or owned cryptocurrencies at some point.

Future Prospects and Regulatory Outlook

The bitcoin fans in Nigeria are active players rather than passive observers. Surprisingly, 90% of respondents from Nigeria said they planned to invest in cryptocurrencies in the future year.

Cryptocurrencies protected 65% of them against hyperinflation and currency devaluation. It emphasises how important cryptocurrency is to the local banking system.

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In a global landscape where cryptocurrencies and Web3 technologies are rapidly evolving, Nigeria emerges as a shining example of a crypto-aware nation. With a staggering 99% of its citizens displaying a solid grasp of Web3 concepts, this nation stands at the forefront of crypto knowledge.

This knowledge increases interest in investing in cryptocurrencies. Additionally, it represents Nigeria's ability to take the lead in the uptake and development of digital assets. Nigeria's crypto-savvy population lays the way for a future in which decentralised technology play an increasingly important part in our daily lives as the rest of the world looks on.

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Read More — Global Survey Reveals Nigeria as the Most Crypto-Aware Nation

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