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Creating your crypto payment gateway clone makes it easy to combine your business ideas to develop it. Coinpayments support 1,900 cryptos. so that you need to develop a robust security level for your crypto payment gateway introducing advanced processing tools. For that, Appticz is the top-tier solution for all your business needs.

See some lucrative and advanced payment processing tools for your Coinpayments clone script; they are

◦ Multi-signature wallets: This feature requires a lot of transaction verification under different cryptographic private keys that keys will sign to your transact wallet. These features give you an extra layer of security protection.
◦ Escrow services: These features allow people to buy or sell their cryptocurrencies under some conditions that are fulfilled; this escrow is triggered to action it.
◦ Integrate your platform with popular e-commerce platforms: once you integrate your platform with famous platforms like Amazon, Walmart, Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento
◦ Multi-language and currency support: To introduce this feature, you may attract a largely global audience to your platform and make it easier for their transaction experience.
◦ Show Real-time Exchange Rates: By establishing this feature, you'll have the option to view up-to-date exchange rates and surely provide accurate pricing and conversions.
◦ Security and regulatory management: integrate AI and ML into your platform to measure security constraints and detect fraudulent activities.
◦ Initiate recurring payments: To enable this feature, users can track their payments and subscriptions.

Here are some additional features entrepreneurs who have sought this feature while developing their Conipayments clone for their needs. If you want more detailed features and techniques to handle your platform, then reach out to Appticz tech experts; they will guide you and provide a suitable idea for your business plan.

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