Blog Post Comment💯..or you put it into the DeFi Chain and let it generate passive income.
Bitcoin (BTC) DiscussionsBitcoin (BTC) Trading and Technical AnalysisIn broad terms, a journal is a record of what an individual does within a day. It is like a diary. However, a trading journal is a special type of record which captures the trading activities of an individual within a period of time such as a day. What is the essence of a trading journal? Traders record their performances and the reasons behind them. This helps to develop their analytical and decision making skills. This is because they give a reason or justification for each action they...
Other Crypto StuffCrypto News and Updates👍Between 2009 and the end of 2018 there were roughly 2000 crypto currencies available over the Internet with a total market cap of $145 billion. Leading the pack with the largest blockchain network is Bitcoin with other offerings like Etherium, Tether and Ripple dominating the marketplace as well. As high performing currencies enter the competition like graphene-based coins it is important to differentiate which coins will work for you. That is why choosing a Proof of Use digital currency...
Other Crypto StuffDApps, DAOs and DeFiBeginners in the Doki Doki/ AZUKI ecosystem find it difficult to understand how the two tokens function. Once you get confused with this, it becomes difficult for you to understand how the system works. As you have noticed, we call it the Doki Doki/AZUKI ecosystem because there are two tokens that work alongside each other in perfect harmony. The good news is that you can invest in any of these two tokens or both and earn high yield. But understanding the difference is enlightening. DOKI :...
Altcoins DiscussionsRipple (XRP)👍The "corrupt" financial institutions system XRP haters always talk about and blame Ripple for it has existed well before we were born and will stay well after we are gone. A system so rooted and powerful and neither crypto nor anything else for that matter can take it away. So if you can't beat them join them and see how you can improve on them from the inside and that's what XRP is trying to solve, the multi trillion dollars industry through bridging cross border payments at a fraction of...
Other Crypto StuffCrypto News and Updates👍👏Buying Anything with Cryptocurrency Money is only as good as what it can buy. In post-war Germany, it was said that it took a wheelbarrow of German Marks to buy a loaf of bread. Due to bad policies and excessive printing of paper money, the currency was actually used as wallpaper. Hyperinflation happens when there is overprinting of money, excessive debt, and a lack of confidence in government policies. America is pressing ever closer to radical inflation as the dollar sinks lower and lower...
Other Crypto StuffDApps, DAOs and DeFiDeFi stands for De centralized Fi nance, a smart-contract-based application. The aim is to recreate the traditional transactional pipeline. Cryptopreneurs can lend and borrow. Cryptocurrency as we do with the fiat currency at banks. We don't need to know both the lenders and borrowers individually, this is because to maintain the trustworthiness mutually in the virtual platform. As there are many Defi Marketing Services Company evolving, DeFi Projects need some tactics and strategies to win...
Altcoins DiscussionsEthereum (ETH)Opensea will be the First choice if you want to acquire heights in NFT Marketplace in a short span of time. It is the only platform to have a trading volume of $46.75 million according to DAppRadar. So entrepreneurs can boldly leap into the NFT marketplace like OpenSea platform development process. The white label opensea comes with an actionable dashboard that gives you a clear-cut view of the trading assets, Dual Auctions, Drop selections, filter, and sorting options, finally integration...
Other Crypto StuffCrypto News and UpdatesTROPTIONS Breakthrough to Cryptocurrency Prominence " Why haven't I heard about TROPTIONS? " is a common question. The answer is not as expected. The critical thinkers of this group had a plan and stuck to it. They followed a "Proof of Use" digital currency mandate was the kind of genius that others ignored. The leading forces of TROPTIONS (aka XTROPTIONS GOLD), have purposely avoided listing their amazing trade asset on the exchanges. As TROPTIONS prepares to break out of the development...