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Did you start trading FLR token on Bitrue?

Anyone else trading their FLR/XRP or FLR/USDT (IOU) pairs on Bitrue? Kicked off with over 30 cents I think then dropped sharply to less than it's third now going up bit again. At what price level did you manage to sell if interested to share this with the community of course?t

It's like a credit that stands for "I Owe You". So it's just like an early access before everyone else. The FLR | XRP ratio has already been decided in advance by the Flare Networks as for the price of the token itself it's determined by the buy / sell market on Bitrue for now. Got to over 30 cents then dropped to more than half but didn't sell. Hodling it to see how things unfold in the near future for the FLR / XRP pair.

Ziad B. Tannous

Cryptocurrency Hub Admin

Ziad Boutros Tannous
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